• word of the day


    somnolent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word somnolent

    (adj) inclined to or marked by drowsiness
    Synonyms : slumberous , slumbery , slumbrous
    Example Sentence
    • slumberous (or slumbrous) eyes
    • `slumbery' is archaic
    • the sound had a somnolent effect
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for somnolent

" somn " is a root which means sleep, so any word having this root is pertaining to sleep...

SOMNUS is a latin root for sleep...hence somnolent is sleepy...

focus on "nolen"the famous directors latest flick is inception which is full of sleep and dreams..

Mr Som no lent you Chinese tea to drink so you are sleepy now

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it can be split into somn(body) +no(not) +lent(leaned).if u sleep without leaning ur back. then u r definitely in a half sleep

if an ENT doctor inserts a nol(=pipe in hindi) into ur ear he will be giving u sedatives nd u will be drowsy. so SOMNOLENT=SOM(root word for sleep)+NOL(PIPE) +ENT

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