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    solvent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word solvent

    (noun) a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances
    Example Sentence
    • the solvent does not change its state in forming a solution
    (noun) a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem
    Synonyms : answer , resolution , result , solution
    Example Sentence
    • they were trying to find a peaceful solution
    • the answers were in the back of the book
    • he computed the result to four decimal places
    (adj) capable of meeting financial obligations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for solvent

3 solvent, 1 sounds like solve (able to solve debts, pay bills). 2 sounds like dissolve (able to dissolve other substances). 3 sounds like solve(an answer solving or telling how to solve).

sounds like "solve" + "rent". If u want to solve the issues related to rent then you must be able to pay all your debts !!!

in chemistry solvent is same as solution, so solvent = solution

solvent sounds like so-end, that means it has been done or solved.

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