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    sedulous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sedulous

    (adj) marked by care and persistent effort
    Synonyms : assiduous
    Example Sentence
    • her assiduous attempts to learn French
    • assiduous research
    • sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sedulous

to seduce a woman, man needs to be diligent and persistent and off course Hardworking ;)

The sedulous young woman received promotion not for her seducing looks but for her sedulous work.

se(SAY) + dulous(dulux).. dulux paints adv. SAY dulux dulux dulux... painting a home is a sedulous task

se+dul+lous...to SEEK knowledge you have to PAY ATTENTION i.e. have to be LESS DULL

se+dullous..sounds like..seek ..dolas(dollars)we should do lot of hardwork..

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SEDULOUS, CAREFULNESS and ASSIDUOUS which are rhyming words, mean, to work with care and effort.

sedulous = For sufficient quantity seed of rice you have to hard work on the field.

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