• word of the day


    seasonable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word seasonable

    (adj) in keeping with the season
    Example Sentence
    • a hard but seasonable frost
    • seasonable clothes
    (adj) done or happening at the appropriate or proper time
    Synonyms : timely , well-timed , well timed
    Example Sentence
    • a timely warning
    • with timely treatment the patient has a good chance of recovery
    • a seasonable time for discussion
    • the book's publication was well timed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for seasonable

Seasonable and reasonable are rhyming words. We feel Some thing is reasonable if it appropriately fits our taste. Hence seasonable appropriate.

SEASONABLE means AGREEABLE or SUITABLE for the season.

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SUSAN was ABLE to intervene at the right time to stop the dispute. Susan is a seasonable woman.

lets take example of intervention: your intervention into a dispute is reasonable if you have a reason ; similarly it is SEASONABLE if your intervention is in correct time ( season).

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