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    scurrilous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word scurrilous

    (adj) expressing offensive reproach
    Synonyms : abusive , opprobrious
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for scurrilous

You want to scurry away when someone makes scurrilous charges against you.

if any one puts sCURRY(any dish)lous(LESS) u make INDECENT remarks about them

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KUDI+LESS- ppl who are kudiless(not having girl in their home) due to shamelessness abuse others.

an Indian Hard core OBSCENE flick is titles CURRY-LUST :) Please Rate!

sCURRIlous- to abuse and pass obscene comments against Indians is called CURRY-bashing in the UK and australia.

scurrilous means obscene or abusive [s]hadi me usne bahot curi khai isleye logo ne usne scurrilous remark diye

SCURRILOUS is making SCANDULOUS claims, to be humorously insulting.

Scurrilous sounds like hurry(quick) less. People give abusive remarks who is slow in doing work.

SCURRILOUS -> SCOURge(attack) + scandALOUS(disgrace) = to disgrace and attack.

Scurrilous: Scurring/Screwing Scenes are obscene, indecent

CURRY+LOSE (lous): Maggi told in an ad, that Top Ramen Curry noodles contains pig fat, to cause a public outrage, and to harm Top Ramen's reputation.

Rhymes with careless.

scurrilous = for curry he is making obscene words to us.

scurrilous sounds like furious. When you become furious you make scurrilous remarks!

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