• word of the day


    satyr - Dictionary definition and meaning for word satyr

    (noun) man with strong sexual desires
    Synonyms : lech , lecher , letch
    (noun) one of a class of woodland deities; attendant on Bacchus; identified with Roman fauns
    Synonyms : forest god
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for satyr

SAT+Yr. = Any 1 who SAT AT HOME FOR A YR. becomes a half goat n half man.... (u sit for 2yrs, u becum full goat/beast :P)

Remember Sati Devi (wife of Lord Shiva, prior to Shiva marrying Parvati). Her father (Daksha) was a human with a goat's head.

SATYR sounds somewhat like SATAN (the Devil), a SEDUCER or an adulterer, someone having lecherous intentions. The word also refers to a mystical woodland god with a goat's ears, tail and legs.

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Just Remember the statement "i SAT half of the YeaR doing nothing!" so we can relate SAT YR to half human with the statement!

Tyler ;) .. half-human. half-bestial

The part-man/part-goat sat on a fallen tree trunk in the forest.

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