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    salutary - Dictionary definition and meaning for word salutary

    (adj) tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health
    Synonyms : good
    Example Sentence
    • beneficial effects of a balanced diet
    • a good night's sleep
    • the salutary influence of pure air
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for salutary

relate to SALUTE..so you salute a person who even after many failures never gives up and always has THAT TENDENCY TO IMPROVE.

SALUTARY and SANITARY having a similar sound and meaning, refer to something that is used for the complete health or well-being of the people.

statuary warnings on cigarretes is for ur health.

SALUTEary...salutary means benificial.....when people salute me, it's BENEFICIAL for me because I feel extremely proud of myself.....

salutary and salubrious are synonyms and they sound similar too.

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Salutary-->(Saali loot Rahi) can be used for Phoolan Devi who stood up against vicious landlords for the BENEFIT of poor people. So, something beneficial is Salutary

remember salutary has slightly a different or a second meaning from that of salute. Just think of when do u salute a person? When he does some benefecial or improve the wellbeing of others or improve the health conditions

if you salute your seniors you will allways stay healthy ie its beneficial for ur health

when a woman is depressed she will cheer herself by going to a SALE or TERRY at a SALE

salutary=(sal+utary ~ ut~uthna.. my salary(sal)is going up this means my performance is IMPROVING and getting GOOD,ofcourse this will be BENEFICIAL to me and my company. benificial,tending to improve.

we salute your remedial improvements

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