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    sadistic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sadistic

    (adj) deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from inflicting pain on another
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Sad… Sadistic persons enjoy by making someone sad or influencing a lot of pain on them.

the word was coined after a person named Francis de SADE who used to derive pleasure by inflicting pain on others.....so people like SADE were called sadists....and hence sadist means, someone who inclined to cruelty.

(sadiSTIC) if u a sadistic you have got a stic in your hand to show cruelty

policeman crosses the limit of CRUELITY when he beats the theif to death with a SADI(normal)STICK(danda)

SADISTIC and DIABOLIC are words which refer to evil. Sadistic refers to a person who enjoys inflicting pain on others while Diabolic is of the Devil himself.

Word used in video below:
text: that sadistic at the salon
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