• word of the day


    risque - Dictionary definition and meaning for word risque

    (adj) suggestive of sexual impropriety
    Synonyms : blue , gamey , gamy , juicy , naughty , racy , spicy
    Example Sentence
    • a blue movie
    • blue jokes
    • he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details
    • a juicy scandal
    • a naughty wink
    • naughty words
    • racy anecdotes
    • a risque story
    • spicy gossip
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for risque

Risque talk has become risky as people from media blow thing out of proportion.........

To make a risque joke, you have to "risk" being labelled as "queer".

Word used in video below:
text: risque
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