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    revere - Dictionary definition and meaning for word revere

    (noun) American silversmith remembered for his midnight ride (celebrated in a poem by Longfellow) to warn the colonists in Lexington and Concord that British troops were coming (1735-1818)
    Synonyms : paul revere
    (noun) a lapel on a woman's garment; turned back to show the reverse side
    Synonyms : revers
    (verb) love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol
    Synonyms : hero-worship , idolise , idolize , worship
    Example Sentence
    • Many teenagers idolized the Beatles
    (verb) regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of
    Synonyms : fear , reverence , venerate
    Example Sentence
    • Fear God as your father
    • We venerate genius
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for revere

when there comes river,there is Ganga.And we have respect for that.

We all hold Paul REVER in high esteem.

read it as Re Wear.... we wear the clothes again and again if we LOVE them..

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it’s a rare event to find a reverent reverend

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