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    retrograde - Dictionary definition and meaning for word retrograde

    (verb) move backward in an orbit, of celestial bodies Definition
    (verb) move in a direction contrary to the usual one
    Example Sentence
    • retrograding planets
    (verb) move back
    Synonyms : retreat
    Example Sentence
    • The glacier retrogrades
    (verb) go back over
    Synonyms : hash over , rehash
    Example Sentence
    • retrograde arguments
    (verb) get worse or fall back to a previous condition
    Synonyms : regress , retrogress
    (adj) moving from east to west on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in a direction opposite to that of the Earth Definition
    (adj) of amnesia; affecting time immediately preceding trauma Definition
    (adj) going from better to worse
    Synonyms : retrogressive
    (adj) moving or directed or tending in a backward direction or contrary to a previous direction
    Synonyms : retral
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for retrograde

Prefix Retro:Behind,Backward...retro+grade is like degrade..

Consider retrograde as the opposite of upgrade, in upgrade you get the latest, here you going to a previous state or degenerating ..

Grade system is not new .. Its a very old one .. India is going retrograde

retro(means past)+rograde(sounds like regret).....so you are regretting now for your awesome college days in PAST because you are missing them now.

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(retro)grade Consider the word in bracket only: Retro relates to metro. Tag: The plan to have METRO rail link in Mumbai has taken a BACKSEAT(degenerated or go backwards)

RETRO refers to the "PAST"or BACKWORD….RETURNING BACK to GRADUATE school as a result of failure in board exam

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