• word of the day


    requisite - Dictionary definition and meaning for word requisite

    (noun) anything indispensable
    Example Sentence
    • food and shelter are necessities of life
    • the essentials of the good life
    • allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions
    • a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained
    (adj) necessary for relief or supply
    Synonyms : needed , needful , required
    Example Sentence
    • provided them with all things needful
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for requisite

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required at site: means something necessary

remember PRE-REQUISITE...u cannot register for a course if u have not done its pre-requisite...so REQUISITE is NECESSARY REQUIREMENT..

perquisite means any increase above stipulated salary requisite basic salary in order to meet basic necessary requirment

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