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    reminiscence - Dictionary definition and meaning for word reminiscence

    (noun) a mental impression retained and recalled from the past Definition
    (noun) the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort)
    Synonyms : recall , recollection
    Example Sentence
    • he has total recall of the episode
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reminiscence

can break it as re + mini + scene - recollecting mini scenes from our past memories

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remind a past scene

Reminiscence:- rem[A]in+ in + scene

re means here think like replay some thing from the past song..so reminiscence means recall,recollect... -sudheer.k

re + mini skirt = i keep recollecting the past of school when girls used to wear mini skirts <3. haha just to remember the word, m not a perve

rhymes with the word remembrance

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