• word of the day


    regicide - Dictionary definition and meaning for word regicide

    (noun) someone who commits regicide; the killer of a king Definition
    (noun) the act of killing a king
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regime refers to government. "cide" refers to killing (infanticide, genocide, suicide etc.,). So, regicide refers to killing the ruler.

raja+cide..cide seems like suicide....1st it seems as suicide but later discovered that "kind is murdered"

in context of above mnemonic by garrulous regi(or hindi RAJA)+cide== killing RAJA or killing of king

In AOE there is a game-play type called regicide and the objective is to kill the freaking king..

reg = king. same way. regent = king agent regicide = king killing

genocide is killing of a large no of people and regicide is killing of royals..ie king or queen

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