• word of the day


    reconnaissance - Dictionary definition and meaning for word reconnaissance

    (noun) the act of reconnoitring (especially to gain information about an enemy or potential enemy)
    Example Sentence
    • an exchange of fire occurred on a reconnaissance mission
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reconnaissance

reconnaissance means recognising an enemy while surveying your. territory,Recognisation of conman-(thief) by nice sons(of the country)--soldiers.

RECONNAISSANCE...SOUNDS LIKE RECOGNIZANCE....so recognizance of the army persons to do their act....or ...binding them to spy over enemy's....... reconnaissance of an area by the army..

reconnaissance = (re)ye (con)kaun (nai)hai (sance)sons --> The old man asked his sons to get information about an unknown enemy and asked them "yeh kaun hai" ... weird but hope it helps you !

Reconnaissance- You inspect the number of s and n in this word...preliminary inspection of the enemy

recognize in essense the enemy troops position

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