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    recalcitrant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word recalcitrant

    (adj) stubbornly resistant to authority or control
    Synonyms : fractious , refractory
    Example Sentence
    • a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness
    • a refractory child
    (adj) marked by stubborn resistance to authority
    Example Sentence
    • the University suspended the most recalcitrant demonstrators
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recalcitrant

re+calcit(looks like calcite)+rant...as we know calcite is a hard mineral found in calcium carbonate which forms the major part of rocks, chalk and marble, is hard to break and likewise a recalcitrant person is also stubborn.

re+calci(calculator->calculate)+trant....so imagine a person who has made a mistake in calculations using a calci and is unwilling to re-calculate...it shows he is STUBBORN

recalcitant : recall+reluctant..boss asked me to call ad guy again but i didn't obey him,i was reluctant.(unwilling to obey)

recalcitrant= try RECALling CITRic acid from chemistry but it is so STUBBORN not able to recal it...

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Think "Recalc it Rant" or someone who does not want to recalculate anything

calcis are not allowed in exams. but imaging a person smuggling them in even though he has been punished before

Real + Ca(Hindi) + Irritant => Recalcitrant. Means those who irritate authority by resisting them again and again

and any one who resist to authority is consisdered as disobedient person

Rec And Al are two shitting(Cit) ant and rat(Rant) and are difficult to control and manage,and they are stubborn too

recalcitrant = recal(recall)+ cit(site) + rant(rent); need recall to please the minister over telephone to get the site in rent as he is stubborn in any matter wants proper clarification.

reluctant to sit

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