• word of the day


    rapture - Dictionary definition and meaning for word rapture

    (noun) a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion
    Synonyms : ecstasy , exaltation , raptus , transport
    Example Sentence
    • listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture
    (noun) a state of elated bliss
    Synonyms : ecstasy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rapture

i listen the rap music with great rapture.

How cruel rapist was who took PLEASURE out of this heinous crime.

please remove this e.g as the previous author has used dirty slang" Gand" which means ass and the meaning he is trying to say is f&** king someone in his ass.

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raptor is a carnivorous dinosaur that came in the film jurassic park... to see a raptor gives you rapture????

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