• word of the day


    rabid - Dictionary definition and meaning for word rabid

    (adj) of or infected by rabies Definition
    (adj) marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea
    Synonyms : fanatic , fanatical , overzealous
    Example Sentence
    • rabid isolationist
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rabid

rabbit is extremely zealous about carrots

rap+it =Rabid those who enjoy rap are its extreme fanatic.

rab idd pe bakra halal hota hai.. (having and expressing extreme and unreasonable feelings)dont knw y?

we can change rabid with habit. A thing that is your habit because you are fanatic of it

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A dog suffering from rabies is violent...

rapid+bid..you'll bid like a fanatic if you want to buy something you like

rabid->rabbit->fast->fast and [furious].

southpark fanatically supports that st. peter was a rabit

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