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    quarry - Dictionary definition and meaning for word quarry

    (noun) a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
    Synonyms : fair game , prey , target
    Example Sentence
    • he fell prey to muggers
    • everyone was fair game
    • the target of a manhunt
    (noun) a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate
    Synonyms : pit , stone pit
    Example Sentence
    • a British term for `quarry' is `stone pit'
    (noun) animal hunted or caught for food
    Synonyms : prey
    (verb) extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a quarry
    Example Sentence
    • quarry marble
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quarry

quarry sounds like query we know query is to ask questions when you r in doubt or when you desire to know more, and quarry means to dig deep when you want something from earth.

q+uarry..sounds like worry....when you worry about something, you dig deep into the matter .

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police QUERY the VICTIM... and DIG DEEP into to evidences to catch the culprit

1. prey: squirrels hunted by snakes 2. dig: quarry rhymes with bury.. something buried is dug and excavated

the other meaning is VICTIM, we query a quarry about the accident......


QUARRY=BURRY someone n hence u have to dig: and Quarry also means victim i.e quarry=prey.

) quarry sounds like query we know query is to ask questions when you r in doubt ie. DIGGING into the topic..

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