• word of the day


    purgatory - Dictionary definition and meaning for word purgatory

    (noun) a temporary condition of torment or suffering
    Example Sentence
    • a purgatory of drug abuse
    (noun) (theology) in Roman Catholic theology the place where those who have died in a state of grace undergo limited torment to expiate their sins
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for purgatory

purgatory = in Roman Catholic, it means a place where one has to experience suffering before he goes to heaven, so it is like a gate to heaven, purgatory = pure + gate, a gate to heaven which purifies you.

PURGE (clean) dirty GATOR (alligator), producing clean animal.

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Pronounced as Purge Gay Tree .. If you have to purge your son's gay tree/partners, you have to encourage him to go to a purgatory (A place of spiritual expiation).

PURGATORY - place/state where you PURGE UTTERLY of all sins

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