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    prodigious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word prodigious

    (adj) so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe
    Synonyms : colossal , stupendous
    Example Sentence
    • colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple
    • has a colossal nerve
    • a prodigious storm
    • a stupendous field of grass
    • stupendous demand
    (adj) of momentous or ominous significance
    Synonyms : portentous
    Example Sentence
    • such a portentous...monster raised all my curiosity
    • a prodigious vision
    (adj) far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree
    Example Sentence
    • a night of exceeding darkness
    • an exceptional memory
    • olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy
    • the young Mozart's prodigious talents
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The root PRO- means 'in favor of'.The root DIGI- (e.g., digit) refers to numbers or quantity. So, PRODIGIOUS refers to a favorable (or great) number.

pro+Dj=> professional DJ is extra ordinary

Pro+Digious= Professional Diggaj

prod refers to production and gious sounds as genious so someone genious in production we say him as marvelous, great.


prodigy is very talent person, so prodigious means talented person who is GREAT IN SIZE

Think PROfessional/DIGger=HUGE amount. A PRO DIGGER--with his fancy digging uniform and silver shovel--digs such HUGE quantities of dirt that he's able to completely fill in the ocean.

Like Prodigy - Huge or just gifted.

we fight about prodigious dirty dishes

if we dig something we can get amazing, awesome diamonds, jewellery.

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