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    probity - Dictionary definition and meaning for word probity

    (noun) complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles
    Example Sentence
    • in a world where financial probity may not be widespread
    • he enjoys an exaggerated reputation for probity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for probity

PRO(pahle)+beti(ladkiya) sounds like girls first 'something having high morale'

Probe is done to verify probity.So probity=neccessity (or reason ) for probe.

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basically this word is taken from latin probus..means honesty..............

A PROBATION Officer tries to keep former criminals HONEST.

A father telling is daughter Please(P) roh(RO) mat Beti(bity) you have not lost your integrity or moral values.

Let them probe, they wont find any mistakes - probity

probity= PRO+BT = Professer Balgangadar Tilak.. He was a man of uprightness and Incorruptibility...!!!

remember it as 'probe with integrity' means keep moral principles intact,be honest..

PROBE-BETI... The father suspects the Daughter has taken to Drugs and compromised her INTEGRITY, so he probes/investigates the BETI

Probity = No Problem guy

When Police bits prisoner (probity)with probe .then he becomes honest.

now a days probability of finding a honest person is very less

Probe+it- probe ur conscience to grow in uprightness, honesty.

means to examine or investigate, Probe is done to verify probity

Probe a murder without being corrupted

What is the probability of signal integrity

Kobe has no probity. (you have to know Kobe Bryant's history for this to work)

prob(lem)+beti: beti is very sincere n honest so they will not get any problems

Probity - A probe goes in Tea ... or In - Tea - Gree(n) Tea to check its Hones - Tea

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