• word of the day


    presume - Dictionary definition and meaning for word presume

    (verb) take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof
    Synonyms : assume , take for granted
    Example Sentence
    • I assume his train was late
    (verb) take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission
    Synonyms : dare , make bold
    Example Sentence
    • How dare you call my lawyer?
    (verb) constitute reasonable evidence for
    Example Sentence
    • A restaurant bill presumes the consumption of food
    (verb) take liberties or act with too much confidence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for presume

pRESUME.... if you have a good RESUME with Good Academics, then you can take Admission in a good University for Granted.

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when iam peeing if there is no tissue paper I just use my resume bcz iam OVER CONFIDENT that i vl get a job even without resume

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text: I presume you will be leaving in the
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