• word of the day


    prerogative - Dictionary definition and meaning for word prerogative

    (noun) a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
    Example Sentence
    • suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prerogative

remember "Interrogative" which means questioning by Investigation officers. So prerogative should be something opposite. so unquestionable

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prerogative:consider 'pre''rogue'..which means before he was a rogue he HAD PRIIVILEGES TO DO ANYTHING

remember Britney Spear's song: It's my prerogative... she is also like that, and considers herself superior

prerogative is similar as interrogative and interrogative is used while putting questions to other , if u have the power u can question anyone jai shri ram

PER RUG = He has the right to walk on the rug (red carpet)

PREROGATIVE; he is being roga from earlier that is right.

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