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    premise - Dictionary definition and meaning for word premise

    (noun) a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn
    Synonyms : assumption , premiss
    Example Sentence
    • on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not to play
    (verb) set forth beforehand, often as an explanation
    Example Sentence
    • He premised these remarks so that his readers might understand
    (verb) furnish with a preface or introduction
    Synonyms : introduce , precede , preface
    Example Sentence
    • She always precedes her lectures with a joke
    • He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution
    (verb) take something as preexisting and given
    Synonyms : premiss
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for premise

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(Pre)- Before + (Mise)- Muse = think. You think something before knowing about that it, means that you are making an ASSUMPTION.

premise= premiss= PRE(old)+ MISSIVE(letter). hence an old letter is produced in court,ON THE BASIS of which court announced the verdict.

promise is the basic assumption in praim (love)

premise = premi (lover) + se... now u can fabricate a host of mnemonics

pre(before)+mise(wise): so so it means guessing before hand only.

"Premise" == "promise" you 'assume' that you can keep the promise so you made it ,,, 'assume','postulate'

premise-> ESIM(sounds like ASUMption)

promise yaar sahi bol ra hun, go make the argument now

prepare a miss for the master. i ASSUME he is in a lustful mood

precise=exact wer as premise=assumption

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text: i question your premise how is a new
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