• word of the day


    potent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word potent

    (adj) having great influence
    Synonyms : powerful
    (adj) having or wielding force or authority
    Synonyms : strong
    Example Sentence
    • providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons
    (adj) having a strong physiological or chemical effect
    Synonyms : stiff , strong
    Example Sentence
    • a potent toxin
    • potent liquor
    • a potent cup of tea
    • a stiff drink
    (adj) (of a male) capable of copulation
    Synonyms : virile
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for potent

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Remember Impotent? Which means weak and ineffective. Potent which means- powerful and influential, is the antonym of Impotent. As a mnemonics of Impotent we used: a person who is IMPOTENT/Powerless is not treated as IMPORTANT

He is very POTENTial...means very influential...i.e powerul

omnipotent(all powerful) so potent is powerful

Word used in video below:
text: at its most potent we didn't want
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