• word of the day


    perpetuate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word perpetuate

    (verb) cause to continue or prevail
    Example Sentence
    • perpetuate a myth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perpetuate

PAR PE CHUA (touched feet) - if you touch feet of old ppl they say "may you perpetuate"

once ur addicted to something(e.g smoking,gambling etc) it becomes a perpetuate(CAUSE TO CONTINUE INDEFINITELY) habit.

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Same "PETU" funda the one used for perpetual! :D

per pet u ate 1 slap frm ur mom so that she allows the pets to be with you. ie prevail with you. :-)

sounds like 'Habituate'

to make something PERmanent i PET U as you ATE

remember TIMEX PERPETUAL calender watch.....we need not set the date after every month or after the leap years.....hope it helps .....

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