• word of the day


    pecuniary - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pecuniary

    (adj) relating to or involving money
    Synonyms : monetary
    Example Sentence
    • monetary rewards
    • he received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pecuniary

One NAARY(woman) after PE-KAY(drinking)was lying on the ground beggind for money

sounds like "penny" which is money.

well PECUNIARY sounds similar to "penury" which means extreme poverty.. which is something related to MONEY..

Pecuniary: PECU + Niary. We are all very much peculiar when we are involved in a money matter.

peculiar + nari = a peculiar nari who doesnt like spending...weird right?

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pecu = money pecuniary = relatted to money

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