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    parsimonious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word parsimonious

    (adj) excessively unwilling to spend
    Synonyms : penurious
    Example Sentence
    • parsimonious thrift relieved by few generous impulses
    • lived in a most penurious manner--denying himself every indulgence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for parsimonious

a person who is not willing to spend money from his purse - Purse = MY money!

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PARSI+ MONIous, parsi people are excessively unwilling to spend Money(no offense)

when it comes to paying "money" i'll "pass", because I'm "parsimonious".

Parsi-Purse; moni-money; ous-us = I am not paying money for all of us, a person wh says this is miser

Someone who refuses to buy even a spice as cheap as PARSley is way more stingy with his MONey than US

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