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    paroxysm - Dictionary definition and meaning for word paroxysm

    (noun) a sudden uncontrollable attack
    Synonyms : convulsion , fit
    Example Sentence
    • a paroxysm of giggling
    • a fit of coughing
    • convulsions of laughter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for paroxysm

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paroxysm sounds like "proxy" when we give proxy in class, we laugh a lot after class if it is successful. But professor may go in a rage if he gets to know about proxy and he may hit and give fit of pain or attack

para+OXY+ism .. it is said that excess of oxygen gives people the high that alcohol gives.. and such people can be considered to be in a rage or have a sudden outburst of anger..

Par-OX-ysm : focus on OX, the husband of cow ;) OX, is an attacking animal. Better yet imagine a pair of uncontrollable oxen attacking and the attack IS...UM..very sudden

Focus on paROXysm. Imagine you're at a ROCK concert and you have a sudden uncontrollable urge to dance crazily and yell, "THIS ROCKS".

when PARO left devdas.. devas had a fit of rage & pain at the same time.

paroxysm = par (all) + oxysm ( oxygen)= if u take all oxygen patient have sudden attack of pain

Imagine a PAIR OF OX yoked together that hate each other and are in a rage.

Sounds like paralysis..

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