• word of the day


    paramount - Dictionary definition and meaning for word paramount

    (adj) having superior power and influence
    Example Sentence
    • the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for paramount

paraMOUNT..(MOUNT EVEREST)..IS THE biggest mountain on the earth,so something SUPREME ,and BEYOND OUR REACH(LIKE MOUNT EVEREST) is paraMOUNT.

paramount movies is a hollywood movies production house and their movies are considered to the most supreme of all :) hence the meaning

Something that is as important (pyaara) as mountain (mount)

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PARAMOUNT Airways which is SUPREME among all,BEYOND the reach of other companies, and Flies ABOVE

it can be remember like this.paramount-mount-amount-money.now everyone knows that money is most important then anything else.we r doing all this painstaking work for money.

paramount -my one friend gf reads in paramount boarding school and he place her in the topmost superity than any other thing

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