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    paleontology - Dictionary definition and meaning for word paleontology

    (noun) the earth science that studies fossil organisms and related remains
    Synonyms : fossilology , palaeontology
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for paleontology

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paleonto(get the feeling of word plant and pale..so plant(and animals too) when it dies becomes pale and the remains of it are known as fossils,+logy(means study)..so study of fossils known as paleontology.

paleontology = pale (dull) + eon (age) + to + logy(study) = dull age means prehistoric life's study

ROSS IS a PALEONTOLOGIST,Always talks about dinosours ,fossils,blah blah blah

pehle(pele) ki padai(logy).

paleontology -imagine that pele has died and buried and his fossil has formed which people are studying

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text: dr paleontology two kids
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