• word of the day


    overweening - Dictionary definition and meaning for word overweening

    (adj) unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
    Example Sentence
    • extravagant praise
    • exuberant compliments
    • overweening ambition
    • overweening greed
    (adj) presumptuously arrogant
    Synonyms : uppity
    Example Sentence
    • had a witty but overweening manner
    • no idea how overweening he would be
    • getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for overweening

a person who wins over and over becomes arrogant. He now arrogantly presumes that he will always win.

OVERly flailing your WEENER. Otherwise known as cock-waving.

derived from over(MEANS ABOVE, MORE)+ween..latin venus..means charm or love....so think of the lady(RELATE IT TO OUR primary school story..a lady who was more beautiful and CHARMING than moon..that moon also use to praise her because of that she BECA

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if u WIN u tend to do OVERACTIONS...so overweening :P

it is the overween+ing form...and now..OVER+WEEN(MEANS to hope, think, expect, intend)..so if you get something over(means beyond) what you EXPECT ...you become arrogant...you unrestrained in your feelings.

opposite of over-weenie (which would be overly cowardly).

because of that she BECAME VERY ARROGANT...and killed her daughter..)

Ponting’s overweening ambition of winning the match in 1 over in his nation.

arrogant guy asking me to play over weenai(musical instrument)

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