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    orient - Dictionary definition and meaning for word orient

    (noun) the countries of Asia
    Synonyms : east
    (noun) the hemisphere that includes Eurasia and Africa and Australia
    Synonyms : eastern hemisphere
    (verb) be oriented
    Synonyms : point
    Example Sentence
    • The weather vane points North
    • the dancers toes pointed outward
    (verb) determine one's position with reference to another point
    Synonyms : orientate
    Example Sentence
    • We had to orient ourselves in the forest
    (verb) cause to point
    Example Sentence
    • Orient the house towards the West
    (verb) familiarize (someone) with new surroundings or circumstances
    Example Sentence
    • The dean of students tries to orient the freshmen
    (verb) adjust to a specific need or market
    Synonyms : tailor
    Example Sentence
    • a magazine oriented towards young people
    • tailor your needs to your surroundings
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for orient

Imagine your friend informing about Orient PSPO (fan) :)

If we cannot go to orient hotel will go to near by small hotel

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