• word of the day


    organize - Dictionary definition and meaning for word organize

    (verb) create (as an entity)
    Synonyms : form , organise
    Example Sentence
    • social groups form everywhere
    • They formed a company
    (verb) cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea
    Synonyms : organise
    (verb) plan and direct (a complex undertaking)
    Example Sentence
    • he masterminded the robbery
    (verb) bring order and organization to
    Synonyms : coordinate , organise
    Example Sentence
    • Can you help me organize my files?
    (verb) arrange by systematic planning and united effort
    Synonyms : devise , get up , machinate , organise , prepare
    Example Sentence
    • machinate a plot
    • organize a strike
    • devise a plan to take over the director's office
    (verb) form or join a union
    Synonyms : organise , unionise , unionize
    Example Sentence
    • The auto workers decided to unionize

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text: has a lot to organize
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