• word of the day


    opalescent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word opalescent

    (adj) having a play of lustrous rainbow colors
    Example Sentence
    • an iridescent oil slick
    • nacreous (or pearlescent) clouds looking like mother-of-pearl
    • a milky opalescent (or opaline) luster
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for opalescent

opelascent > opel astra and accent cars when brand new.. shine! are lustrous!

opal means irid.. and irid comes from iris.. which is the part of the eye..eyes helps us experience colors.. and opalescent means lustrour colors..

consider Opposite of pale(dull,cheerless) is colorful, lustrous

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o+pale+scent--- pale(lacking luster or color), if we spray SCENT(perfume) of something PALE, it will shing and will have luster

opalescent -> opel astra car comes in different rainbow color

remember song from lagaan opalanhare means krishna who is very shiny nd kri=iri=iridescent

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