• word of the day


    oligarchy - Dictionary definition and meaning for word oligarchy

    (noun) a political system governed by a few people
    Example Sentence
    • one of his cardinal convictions was that Britain was not run as a democracy but as an oligarchy
    • the big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for oligarchy

oligo basically means a few people.. as used in oligopoly..

In line with Anarchy Monarchy and Oligoarchy (Oligo means few), matriarchy(run by a women) and patriarchy(run by a man)

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like anarchy...run by few people

Because an oligarchy is usually corrupt and operates in the dark, we could say it was OILY-DARKLY

it sounds like ONLY archy...means only e few...!!!

Kraft food makes olios(cookies) which are so popular, the cookie family was elected to rule canada.

oligo = 0 log = 0 people or a few

monarchy and oligarchy,archy is common in same so easy to remember.

oligarchy - oli(lean in tamil) will control small group.

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