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    occupy - Dictionary definition and meaning for word occupy

    (verb) keep busy with
    Synonyms : busy
    Example Sentence
    • She busies herself with her butterfly collection
    (verb) live (in a certain place)
    Synonyms : lodge in , reside
    Example Sentence
    • She resides in Princeton
    • he occupies two rooms on the top floor
    (verb) occupy the whole of
    Synonyms : fill
    Example Sentence
    • The liquid fills the container
    (verb) be on the mind of
    Synonyms : concern , interest , worry
    Example Sentence
    • I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift
    (verb) march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation
    Synonyms : invade
    Example Sentence
    • Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939
    (verb) require (time or space)
    Synonyms : take , use up
    Example Sentence
    • It took three hours to get to work this morning
    • This event occupied a very short time
    (verb) consume all of one's attention or time
    Synonyms : absorb , engage , engross
    Example Sentence
    • Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely
    (verb) assume, as of positions or roles
    Synonyms : fill , take
    Example Sentence
    • She took the job as director of development
    • he occupies the position of manager
    • the young prince will soon occupy the throne

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text: at your next Occupy rally.
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