• word of the day


    occident - Dictionary definition and meaning for word occident

    (noun) the countries of (originally) Europe and (now including) North America and South America
    Synonyms : west
    (noun) the hemisphere that includes North America and South America
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for occident

lets just assume that there are better cars on the roads in the west... hence they have more accidents taking place.. occident rhymes with accident..

it was by "accident" that Americas were "discovered"

The OC's show on star world > The west

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America with better road so lesser Accident in Occident..(place a ryme)

an oxidant is very reactive and vigorous... consider the western nations of north america & south america like that for the world... except that they are occident!

For all those who like metal music: Break it as Occi+dent = Ossy (Osbourne) + Dentist. He is in west.. \m/

occident-the west orient -the east

ox + accidents : in west there are lot of ranches in those oxen are kept. So we hear about a lot of accidents about ox in west.

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