• word of the day


    nocturnal - Dictionary definition and meaning for word nocturnal

    (adj) belonging to or active during the night
    Example Sentence
    • nocturnal animals are active at night
    • nocturnal plants have flowers that open at night and close by day
    (adj) of or relating to or occurring in the night
    Example Sentence
    • nocturnal darkness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nocturnal

no+c+turn+al no turn(traffic lites)are active at nite!!

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nocturnal=no+c+turn+al....you cannot see all turns at night....so must be active thru out nite while drving

sybar-rite can be pronounced as cyber-rite,so person fond of cyber(web) is fond of luxury and pleasure.

noc(tongue in tamil) turn al-> tongue active at night turning all direction.

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