• word of the day


    nauseate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word nauseate

    (verb) upset and make nauseated
    Synonyms : sicken , turn one's stomach
    Example Sentence
    • The smell of the food turned the pregnant woman's stomach
    • The mold on the food sickened the diners
    (verb) cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of
    Synonyms : churn up , disgust , revolt , sicken
    Example Sentence
    • The pornographic pictures sickened us
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nauseate

"You looked sick. Now! Sit! (Nauseate)"

no seat in bus if we dont get seat we need to stand for long period and hence we get leg pains and become sick.

having nausea

naus+eat+e(eat)..and if you EAT spoiled food , YOU ARE SURE TO FALL SICK.

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nauseate,when u smell something spoiled(nause)from nose.or eat(seate)spoiled u will become sick.so nauseate

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