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    nag - Dictionary definition and meaning for word nag

    (noun) someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault
    Synonyms : common scold , nagger , scold , scolder
    (noun) an old or over-worked horse
    Synonyms : hack , jade , plug
    (verb) bother persistently with trivial complaints
    Synonyms : hen-peck , peck
    Example Sentence
    • She nags her husband all day long
    (verb) worry persistently
    Example Sentence
    • nagging concerns and doubts
    (verb) remind or urge constantly
    Example Sentence
    • she nagged to take a vacation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nag

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: if you bring a NAG(snake) near him and threaten him to fulfill your demands and complaints, he will gey ANNOYED BY YOUR COMPLAINS AND DEMANDS

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