• word of the day


    moribund - Dictionary definition and meaning for word moribund

    (adj) not growing or changing; without force or vitality
    Synonyms : stagnant
    (adj) being on the point of death; breathing your last
    Example Sentence
    • a moribund patient
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for moribund

bund in hindi means "end " or "finish".So thats the end meaning its dying. So "moribund" means "dying

Moribund is kinda similar to morbid, which refers to things related to death

sounds close to BOLTI BUND

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this helps if you know hyderabad.. moribund sounds like TANKBUND, where a number of accidents and suicides take place. so it should remind you of death.

MORI(mine)+BAND(end)....mori saanse band hone lagi hain....I an about to die !!!!!

meri saans bund ho gyi..I am feeling moribund

very very simple....MORI(guttar)+ BUND ... so mori mai BUND karna , woh suffocation se mar jayega .....DEAD..

MORI(hole...here relate with mouths'hole)+BUND(shut)...so if u shut ur mouth for ever and dont eat anything definitely u would be on verge of death.

Take MORI as BORI... in which wheat and all comes.... So kisi ko BORI me baand karr denge to ...he vl b abt to Die....

Mori sounds like Nori, a seaweed that is used to wrap sushi. Think of bund as bundle; wrapping seaweed in a bundle around a person like a mummy or someone who is dead.

"bund" in telugu means metal rod.so when you beat someone with bund he will die...

Think of it like this..Easy to Remember Two words..!! MORBID means characteristic of a disease,gloomy(MORe+BED) and MORIBUND can be thought as a consequence..He is dying so MORIBUND..!!!

Muri means Murgi (chicken) Bund means off breathing, that means about to dye

Moribund when mor(peacock) band.

In punjabi....mori (Window)....bund (ass)....bund marr ke mori bana di....person will definitely get near death experience

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