• word of the day


    morbid - Dictionary definition and meaning for word morbid

    (adj) suggesting an unhealthy mental state
    Example Sentence
    • morbid interest in death
    • morbid curiosity
    (adj) suggesting the horror of death and decay
    Synonyms : ghoulish
    Example Sentence
    • morbid details
    (adj) caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology
    Example Sentence
    • diseased tonsils
    • a morbid growth
    • pathologic tissue
    • pathological bodily processes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for morbid

MORBID = MORTAL (deadly) + BITE (like of an insect) --> a deadly bite is unhealthy and disease related.

more+bed = more thoughts about dying on a bed

rhymes with maarpeet=fight,war--->horror of war and death

morbid=more+bed..i.e v'l b on bed 4 more time(hosptlised) wen v r DESEASED & v DWEL ON HORBLE THNGS.

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look at BID...if u are biding on a shares and loose.. u vill have bad mindset....and on contrary if an insect bites...that leads to diseases

biding a dead body

rhymes with moribund which means on verge of death, morbid means horrifying,shocking so death is also horrifying, shocking

'BID' farewell to a dead body rotting in a 'MOR'GUE.

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text: freedom the rampant morbid obesity from
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