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    modicum - Dictionary definition and meaning for word modicum

    (noun) a small or moderate or token amount
    Example Sentence
    • England still expects a modicum of eccentricity in its artists
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for modicum


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modicum and moderate had "mode" in common...and "cum" means small in hindi.

Modicum sounds like (bahuut hi Kum) that is very little or small in quantity

MODICUM=MODI+CUM(come)...so whenever Narendra MODI COMES to the hotel he is served only LIMITED QUANTITY of food...no offence pls

Narender Modi is sooo old,,, so when he cums (u knw wat it means),,, the ejaculation is soo small in amount,,, i knw its sick

modicum=modi+cum=more to come=>v r having sumthng in smal or moderate amount..so we look 4 more.

modi cum ... come to modi if have scarcity (cum .. less)

sounds like MODest sUM


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