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    minion - Dictionary definition and meaning for word minion

    (noun) a servile or fawning dependant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for minion

A mini peon.. Who is servile to his boss.

Sounds like Union (Workers union). In union workers has servile dependency on leader.

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minion sounds close to menial....or lets say minial=minimum servial

minion > m + onion > eho cuts onions at my home? serveant/cook

my(mi)+ peon(nion)....peon is obviously a type of slave who performs all d low grade jobs

generally ppl form UNIONS with MINIONS so that they have a g8 party support in thier devlopment stages......

minion !! doesn't it strike a bell ?? its the "fish" character in the movie MEGAMIND who is always "servile"

minion: min+ion the minimum energy ions, always rotate around the high/main energy ions, so minion is follower of some big one,like a favorite.A follower or underling of a powerful person.

sounds union >> people in a factory union are dependant on their owners for their meals.. OR sounds onion >>> who cuts onion at hotels or at others place is a servant and is dependant on his owner...

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text: minion of the antichrist
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