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    mealymouthed - Dictionary definition and meaning for word mealymouthed

    (adj) hesitant to state facts or opinions simply and directly as from e.g. timidity or hypocrisy
    Synonyms : mealy-mouthed
    Example Sentence
    • a mealymouthed politician
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mealymouthed

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mealy+mouthed-you have stuffed your mouth with meals ,so speech is not proper

when you have meal in your mouth you don't speak clearly.:: you are being evasive.

ur mouth is ful of meals because of which ur speech is ambiguous n u r nt able to speak properly

i remember my dcs viva, maybe u can relate. mealy moore machines are stateless/ stateful machines. something like that. so when my teacher asked me this in my viva i got confused and indirectly implied the meaning hence mealymouth

Mel = Latin for honey. Those who are mealymouthed are trying to sugar coat the truth.

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