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    masochist - Dictionary definition and meaning for word masochist

    (noun) someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for masochist

mars+own+chest.... one who mars(beats or disfigures) his own chest is a masochist :)

the word was coined after a person named John MASOCH who used to derive pleasure by inflicting pain to himself.....so people like MASOCH were called masochists....and hence masochist means person who enjoys his own pain

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Hit my own chest.

masochist sounds like massagist.....during massage u feel little pain...but also enjoy the pleasure in it....so masochist is a person who enjoys his own pain...

2nd part sounds like cyst. so one enjoys the pain of his own cyst

masochist(mass on chest) my girlfriend has mass on chest ,if i squeeze it she enjoys even it hurts...might be helpful

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