• word of the day


    magnanimous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word magnanimous

    (adj) noble and generous in spirit
    Synonyms : greathearted
    Example Sentence
    • a greathearted general
    • a magnanimous conqueror
    (adj) generous and understanding and tolerant
    Synonyms : big , large
    Example Sentence
    • a heart big enough to hold no grudges
    • that's very big of you to be so forgiving
    • a large and generous spirit
    • a large heart
    • magnanimous toward his enemies
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for magnanimous

magnani+ous magnificent—a person is called magnificent(outstanding, superb) if he is kind, generous

hyundia invested 421 million dollars in research and development of i10 magna.it represents that hyundai company is genorous..magnanimous

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