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    macabre - Dictionary definition and meaning for word macabre

    (adj) shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
    Synonyms : ghastly , grim , grisly , gruesome , sick
    Example Sentence
    • ghastly wounds
    • the grim aftermath of the bombing
    • the grim task of burying the victims
    • a grisly murder
    • gruesome evidence of human sacrifice
    • macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages
    • macabre tortures conceived by madmen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for macabre

sounds like hindi word makbara....and its made over the place where people are either buried or burnt.....and for me its a ghastly place..that I would never like to go to....

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Sounds like massacre..which means "excessive killing of many people"..and which also represents death

makbara :to move around makbara in night is a horrified act

Sounds like Nakaab (Mask). So Imagine some one came in front of you wearing a frightening mask, then you will feel gruesome!

ma+cabre...watching cabre is horrible,gruesome and disgusting.

Maha + Kabre = Kabbars are gruesome Another mnemonic can be mocambo who gives horrifying deaths to innocents

MACABRE = Ma went to cabre for money this is a horifying situation abt poverty.

look like ma + cabret. if you saw your mother doing cabret in old hindi move, it would be "horrifying" and would scar you for life :)

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